
The rise of a girl. She is risen.

i'm in a philosophy of the arts class. one of the philosophers that we've read believes it is the artist's responsibility to make his art as clear as possible. in fact, he argues that the success of a piece of art is judged by how clear it communicates its message.

in class, i suggested that a possible problem with this theory is that art may sometimes be an attempt to express the inexpressible. or in other words, art is to express the ambiguity of a certain area of reality. we do live in a world where the idea of relativity is more and more being accepted as truth. in vagueness is safety. i find value in seeking. personally exploring, questioning. with art, you can create a forest to explore. that's art to me. it is not that each person finds their own truth, and that truth is different from other seekers' truths, but instead, each seeker may potentially find truth, and all who seek have this potential. none who don't seek will ever find it. you must seek in order to find.

of course, this philosopher was around in the 1700's, and things were different in that age. also, he was an author, not a painter, or a musician. all of these arts are similar to an extent, but i suppose that each carries a unique stance as far as expression, or the art of expressing.

out of love for the hunt. there needs to be a feeling of accomplishment; not in the sense that you've improved, or advanced yourself, but rather, you've become free and in some way released the humanity that binds you. (the divinity that we so selfishly desire for our own. we cannot have it, but we can be with it.)

i have a dear friend named Raeanna. she is an example of someone who rises above what may be expected, or at least what is considered satisfactory for a person. she surpasses that. she seeks and escapes. and ironically, her middle name is Rose.

currently listening to "Talkie Walkie" by Air. http://www.intairnet.org/


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