
the lessons i've learned as a driver.

today i was driving home from school...

well, anyway...i've been driving for 6 years.

once, a few months ago, I had a conversation with my friend from school, Zac M. this conversation was about what kind of driver i am. radiohead tells me to be a "patient, better driver." i think i'm a good and patient driver. but other drivers tend to hate me when i'm driving. i don't get mad when i'm driving, in fact, i don't really get mad ever, or at least i don't express it outwardly. zac and i were talking about how i never get mad at other drivers, even when they do frustrating things, but that i make other drivers frustrated all the time.

i'm an agressive driver. i get it from my father. i like being very time-efficient. i change lanes a lot, i speed up, i slow down. i usually obey the laws, never going more than 10.mph over the speed limit. i always use my blinker. i always check my blindspots. i've been in one accident and it wasn't really my fault. i've never had a ticket (though i've been pulled over countless times.) i'm a good, safe, cautious, experienced driver.

but today, as i was driving home from school...(here we are at the beginning.) I was on commercial St. (in Salem). i made a quick lane change, and a really quick acceleration to 45mph, in a 40mph zone. and at the light after that, an old man in a car pulled up next to me. I saw him glance over at me, so i turned to him in time to read his lips speak two words, "fucking idiot." I'm a fucking idiot. though i'm sure, if i asked him, he probably wouldn't be able to tell me that he hadn't caused an accident, or that he had never received a ticket. i did nothing to him. and i wasn't even mad that he said that about me. in fact, i was waiting for him to look back over at me so that i could wave to him, dying to see how he would react to that. (do not repay evil with evil, but rather, repay evil with good. it will be like pouring hot coals upon their heads.) it's from the bible.

anyway, i love driving. and i won't get mad at you, even if you cut me off, i'll just laugh. cause i'm laid back. but watch out for me, because you're probably going to hate me, though i never meant to do you any harm.

-andrew t.

currently listening to nothing.


Blogger Alex Moore said...

Waving works good, however I have found that the blowing of a kiss to the fellow driver whom you have pissed off heaps the coals... but, I may be crossing the line from "good" to "obnoxious" with that one.

Hey, congratulations to me, I finally found your blogspot page. I'm over here at thealexmoore.blogspot.com... haven't completely "moved in" yet though. It's hard to bring my myspace readers over with me-- they seem too comfortable where they're at. Anywho, glad I found your page. I'll be a frequent reader.


17/2/07 22:54  

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