
notebook of lists, rewriting your notebook of lists. (mrf)

eat well. eat less.
deposit my tips into the bank account, don't buy food food food.
i used money that i don't have.

$37.00 - 13.708 gallons of regular gasoline.

there is so much i'd like to write about...but where's the time? i wonder what it is, the universal secret of all authors. they have a passage way to a space that is free of time, they enter, and don't spend time, they are outside of the boundaries of time. they get stuff done. they don't tire.

a short story, perhaps, about him. “man of constant sorrows.” O, Brother Where Art Thou? is a good film. funny.

a man who I’ve always seen as one who could be extremely wise, unlike most others, a potential for wisdom. it’s strange that because of this potential, the fact that he still makes the wrong decisions makes him more of a fool than he would be if he didn’t have such capabilities.


maybe he’s schizophrenic.

“maybe he’s a.d.d…he must be A.D.D.”

or obsessive – compulsive. “it’s only one of my excuses.”

don’t be sarcastic with my smoking habits. if anything, not my smoking. fucker.

currently listening to: “medicine madison” by: The Empty. www.theempty.com


our life.

"The Food and Drug Administration has determined there is no significant difference between milk from rbST treated cows and non-rbST treated cows."